Anne Gry Ranchil is a Norwegian expat spouse who has been living in Bangkok with her family for the last two years. She is a trained professional chef, and although she hasn’t practised her culinary skills in a long time, she did a catering in Nichada for a big housewarming party this spring.
Anne Gry decided to donate her salary to Kids Action for Kids, as she has come to know the organisation since she moved to Thailand and likes the idea of contributing locally to an important cause and to an organisation that really works. She also attended KAFK’s Ubon surgery mission in September 2013 as a volunteer, and says: “The trip made a huge impact on me. As a mother it is easy to feel empathetic with the children and also their parents. It makes it very obvious how lucky we are to be born in more fortunate circumstances. It was great to see the result of the fundraising “first-hand”, to be a part of the process of a screening day at the hospital, and it feels good to see that the money I helped raise will make such a difference for all of these kids and families that will benefit from the surgeries.”
After coming back from Ubon she has started the planning of a project among the Scandinavian women’s network in Nichada, to see how they can contribute to raise money on a long term with more events.
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Herman and Anne Gry share passion for helping