Carol Simcox


Carol has been a loyal Kids Action for Kids supporter for a long time, starting as a donor and constantly getting more involved, organizing multiple fundraising events with her family and school, and taking part in several medical missions helping with everything from the medical screening process to playing with the kids to ease their nerves before going into surgery. Carol’s husband, Chris, has been very involved with KAFK as well, doing much of the fundraising together with Carol, as well as joining medical missions. Lastly, Carol’s three sons are also all staunch KAFK supporters, so the whole family has been involved in this work for a long time.

Carol is a teacher at Shrewsbury International School in Bangkok, where she has jumped at every opportunity to weave Kids Action for Kids’ work into both fundraising efforts and into teaching kids about the impact they as kids can have on others who need help.

Before teaching, Carol’s background is in nursing, and so she has a special appreciation for the medical work Kids Action for Kids works to fund, and she is a huge asset to the team when dealing with patients in hospitals across Thailand and Myanmar.

She says her driving force for all this work has been educating young people on the cleft problems that are so prevalent, and teaching and encouraging them around how they can help.