Rebecca (11) and Inger Helene (9) Tønjum initiated their own fundraising for KAFK during their holiday back in Norway this summer. They decided to entice the local Norwegian holidaymakers with their uniquely designed bracelets as well as tempt them with their favorite homemade cakes. They agreed with the local grocery store KIWI at Kjøpmannskjær on Nøtterøy to set up a table where they sold their stuff.
In three hours the girls were able to raise NOK 2,684! The total price for a surgery is NOK 5,000, so with our partner Benchachinda paying for half of every surgery, this is enough for one surgery! The girls tell us they had a lot of fun both during the fundraising, planning and preparation. They also mention it was great learning for them to make by-passers aware of the cause, and convince them to support this initiative.
Way to go, girls! This was a great initiative, thank you very much!