Thank you very much to Lodge no. 2 Urania in Oslo, for your generous contribution to Kids Action for Kids. Lodge no. 2 Urania in Oslo is a Rebecca lodge in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Every year the lodge arranges a “Social Night” where they sell raffle tickets to raise funds. The lodge members provides the prizes for the raffle, and the funds raised on this evening are donated to different charities. This year, as last year, KAFK is very happy to receive a contribution to our work from Lodge no. 2 Urania in Oslo. Thank you very much, both for the donation and for being a great example for others!
If we have any readers that are members of a similar lodge or club that contributes to charity projects, please tell them about KAFK’s work and show your fellow members our webpage (www.kidsactionforkids.org). If you need an application from us, please tell us (mail@kidsactionforkids.org). We hope we will hear from our readers that belong to organizations that would possibly like to support our work!