Borgljung Family – Victoria, Joel, Filip


  1. Name (+ family members, if any)

Victoria, Markus, Filip 13, Joel 10, William 6, Borgljung


  1. Country of origin +  Country you live now  

Sweden + Sweden

  1. What kind of activities you have done for or with KAFK and where

The boys have been active in  bakesale and handicraftsale to raise money. They have also been responsible for selling raffletickets to the annual KAFK draw.

I have contributed in making prizes for the same draw and also in selling at the Christmas market.



  1. Free text for example about

It has been a great opportunity fo me and the kids to help and give back to the country that we lived in. Through KAFK we have learned how much a contribution, even a small one, can mean to someone in need. 

Our family is fortune to have health and a rich life, therefore we are happy to share our time and effort to KAFK and the less fortune children of Thailand.

Thank you KAFK for making it easy to get engaged in the meaningful work of volunteering.


  • your motivation to join KAFK,
  • what you think about KAFK and its community,
  • your experience, feelings, moments of learning, surprises
  • what you have especially enjoyed in your contribution
  • other things