Aksel T Schau Charitable Foundation (ATSF) recently donated THB 100,000 (approx. NOK 20,000) to KAFK. Founder Terje Schau, Chairman Jørgen Torp and Board member Per Hausvik also decided to personally donate THB 25,000 (approx. NOK 5,000) each, so the total donation reached THB 175,000. Thank you so much! This is of great help for our work!
Martin and Anders Brekke, and Torgunn Aas Reggestad from KAFK’s board were recently invited to present KAFK’s work for ATSF’s Board. Thank you for this opportunity. The Board meeting was held at Bangkok Food Academy, which is one of the other projects ATSF supports. The BKK Food Academy is located in Klong Toey, which is Bangkok’s largest slum. It was founded by Swedish/Thai Susanna Asklof and it helps underprivileged young people from this area to learn international cooking.
Both Aksel T. Schau Charitable Foundation (www.akseltschaufoundation.com) and Bangkok Food Academy (www.foodacademybangkok.com) are such wonderful examples of people with warm, big hearts doing something concrete for people in need. For them, this is not a one-time event, but it’s an ongoing effort day in and day out, year after year.
You are both great examples for all of us! Keep up the good work and again thank you so much for the generous donation to Kids Action for Kids!
ATSF supports Baan King Kaew Orphanage in Chiang Mai and also sponsors 28 underprivileged students in Asia with long-term educational support, among others. ATSF’s annual golf event in Chiang Mai has participants from all over the world and is the Foundation’s biggest fundraiser.