Kine helped in Myanmar mission


Kine Evensen, a student volunteer living in Norway joined Kids Actions Kids’ surgery mission in Myanmar.

Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, March 2015

Joining Kids Action for Kids in Myanmar was a powerful experience. I was genuinely surprised by the effect a bottle of soap bubbles could have on both the children and me. Blowing bubbles was like blowing life into the room, awakening both curiosity and playfulness in the very nervous children. When I first walked into the room, very nervous and scared eyes met me. In front of me were over a hundred children, ready to be screened and evaluated for the operation. In addition, the children were not used to seeing a 180 cm tall pale teenage girl. It was not difficult to understand their fear.

However, as soon as I started to blow some bubbles, nervousness was replaced with curiosity. It did not take long before laughing children surrounded me. I did not expect to become so affected by the people I met, but exchanging a smile with someone from the other side of the world has its impacts. I met children at an age that I passed not long ago, but the children I met had been through so much more and lived for so much less than I ever had. It surely became clear to me why these missions are so important. Not only do these missions provide the medical help to those in need, but they also provide hope to those who think their situation is hopeless.

With warm regards,

Read more about the Myanmar surgery mission here:
Bringing smiles to Myanmar in 2015

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