Trond joined the Kids Action for Kids Board as Treasurer in 2019. He held this position until 2023, and has since than been elected Board member. Although living and working in Norway, he has a strong connection to Thailand after twenty years of annual visits, often spending time at his second home in Cha-am. Given his relationship with the region, he is very excited about getting involved with Kids Action for Kids and the work we do.
He has a long career in leadership, having been a Member of Parliament in Norway, the Secretary General of AUF (Social Democratic Youth) and a member of the City Council of Oslo. After leaving politics, he worked as a Senior Adviser in Gambit Hill + Knowlton Strategies for several years, and as Secretary General of Yrkestrafikkforbundet. Today he work as Head of department for Politics and Society of Fagforbundet (Norwegian Union of Municipal and General Employees).